Inspiration, stuff and nonsense - #5

Thursday, April 23, 2009 | |

I started work on a story involving my experiences at the horrid backpackers' bar that I used to work at, but it fell flat. It wanted it to be a lot more vibrant than it was, so I dropped it. This week I've decided to write a story from a photo; I'm working on that as of today and really excited about it. I've also been checking out a bunch of stuff on tumblr, and have uncovered some really beautiful photos, cheeky writers and beautiful quotes. Oh look! Here's a couple now!



And just in case I start taking myself too seriously:



Anonymous said...

Jim Jarmusch seems like a hep cat. I challenge him to a rip-off -off. Ya dig.

Lucy said...

Is that .gif "I'm on a boat"? if so, BRAVO>

Unknown said...

How great to be introduced to your writing, beautiful words, amazing inspirations, thank-you xx

Hannah JV said...

That is definitely I'm on a boat! Loves it.

Hannah JV said...

Thank you Sabina, you are lovely.